
Pyrolysis Furnaces Thermal decomposition of carbonaceous matter in the absence of oxygen

Pyrolysis is a heat treatment technique that causes the chemical decomposition of materials. During the process volatiles and contaminants are removed, leaving behind a known compound. The chemical reaction occurs in the absence of oxygen, which prevents combustion of materials. Organic or inorganic materials are broken down to produce primary volatiles. These volatile compounds are guided away from the sample.

Modified Atmosphere Furnace

Carbolite Gero’s modified atmosphere furnaces can accommodate temperatures up to 3000 °C. These furnaces feature a robust construction and are capable of rapid and uniform heating in a regulated environment. This makes them perfectly suited for a wide range of demanding industrial and laboratory tasks. Furnaces can contain rough or high vacuum levels based on the specific application. Additionally, it supports operations under inert or reactive gases. Carbolite Gero furnaces allow for repeatability and consistent results.

Tube Furnace

Carbolite Gero's tube furnace selection can cater to the heat treatment of small samples, suitable for both horizontal and vertical setups. These furnaces are perfect for R&D or lab-based heat treatments. The sophisticated design of the tube furnaces incorporates ceramic fibre insulation that ensures minimal energy usage and enables rapid heating. Tube furnaces can maintain a modified atmosphere which supports inert, reactive or vacuum environments. Carbolite Gero provides a selection of tube materials, tube length and diameters, each available to suit your application needs.

Safety options for pyrolysis furnaces

The process produces volatiles that can prove to be harmful. Precautions should be taken to reduce any risks. Carbolite Gero considers options to optimise the production process.


Egy utóégető (balra) az eltávolítási folyamatból származó illékony anyagok NOx , CO2ésH2 O oxidációjára szolgál. Ez biztosítja, hogy az összes illékony anyag biztonságosabb molekulákká alakuljon át és kerüljön ki a környezetbe. Eléget minden illékony anyagot, beleértve a 20 °C alatti forráspontúakat is, mint például a hidrogén, az ammónia és az etán.


A gyújtószerkezet (középen) csak a könnyen gyúlékony gázok, például a hidrogén elégetésére szolgál. 


A kondenzátumcsapda (jobbra) a 20 °C feletti vegyületek kondenzálására szolgál. Minden 20 °C-nál alacsonyabb forráspontú illékony anyagot átengedünk.

Alkalmazás Háttérinformáció

During this process the sample is heated to a predefined temperature. A multi-step process is employed which lets the sample dwell at different stages. The heat causes chemical bonds to break, resulting in the formation of smaller molecules. The key feature of pyrolysis is that it occurs in an oxygen-free environment. Without oxygen, samples do not burn and instead form useful byproducts.

The efficiency and the outcome of pyrolysis is influenced by factors such as temperature, heating rate, dwell time and type of material being used. A good temperature uniformity is vital, to prevent high defect density within the sample. Heating too quickly can lead to an increase in expansion rates, potentially damaging the sample and the afterburner by obstructing the conversion of organic compounds into NOx, CO2, and H2O.

Physicochemical changes occurring during heat treatment can be studied using thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). This measurement records mass loss as a function of temperature or constant heating rate. TGA Equipment: Thermal Analyzers for thermo-analytic processes - ELTRA

Activated carbon granules are used for various processes including air and water purification, decaffeination, gold and metal extraction, and sewage treatment.

Felelősségi nyilatkozat: A „karbonizáció” és a „pirolízis” kifejezéseket időnként felváltva használják. Fontos ismerni a különbséget.

Activated carbon granules are used for various processes including air and water purification, decaffeination, gold and metal extraction, and sewage treatment.

The difference between pyrolysis, carbonization and graphitization

Carbonization, graphitization, and pyrolysis are all processes that involve the thermal decomposition of materials, but they differ in their objectives and conditions.

The Pyrolysis Process in Biochar Production Application note

Megoldások porfröccsöntéshez és additív gyártáshoz


In the search for sustainable energy solutions, biochar made from waste offers a promising alternative in various fields such as agriculture, livestock, the cement industry, and lithium battery cathode production. This innovative method is not only sustainable but often produces materials with better performance than traditional methods. Advanced furnaces are essential in the biochar production process, significantly contributing to waste transformation.



Pore Structure and Surface Area: From Biofuels to Activated Carbon

In terms of key applications, pyrolysis is a process that is widely used by many industries to convert organic matter into useful products. Industries such as the energy sector is where pyrolysis is used to turn biomass into biofuels. Organic matter such as wood or agricultural waste are treated to be used for the purpose of generating energy. Pyrolysis plays a crucial role in other industries such as water purification and waste treatment as well.

Biomass can be transformed into a valuable material known as activated carbon. This transformation process enhances the pore structure and surface area, giving activated carbon a strong adsorption capacity. The unique properties of activated carbon make it an important functional material in industries such as food processing, medicine, and petrochemicals.

The conversion of biomass into activated carbon involves a heat treatment process designed to release moisture and volatile compounds, resulting in the production of carbon-rich materials. Adsorption Equipment: Measurement of Gas Adorption & Vapor Adsorption :: Microtrac

Activated carbon granules are used for various processes including air and water purification, decaffeination, gold and metal extraction, and sewage treatment.

Activated carbon granules are used for various processes including air and water purification, decaffeination, gold and metal extraction, and sewage treatment.

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Pyrolysis Furnaces - Gyakori kérdések

What is pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a thermochemical process where sample materials decompose at high temperatures and under an oxygen-free environment, preventing combustion taking place. This process results in the release of volatile compounds and the formation of useful byproducts. These byproducts can be gases, liquids, or solids, depending on the conditions and the nature of the original material.

What is the difference between carbonization and pyrolysis?

Carbonization and pyrolysis are both thermal decomposition processes that take place in an oxygen-free environment. However, both processes are different in the context that carbonization usually happens at a temperature higher than that of pyrolysis and aims to enhance the carbon content of the material. In comparison, pyrolysis covers organic and/or carbon-free inorganic compounds. Pyrolysis occurs at lower temperatures and results in the production of volatiles, liquids, gases, and char.

What are the industrial applications of pyrolysis?

Pyrolysis is a versatile process with applications across various industry sectors, such as the chemical industry, waste management, biofuel production, and material science. The application of this heat treatment causes chemical bonds to break, promoting the formation of molecules. Pyrolysis serves as a key part of the process that transforms waste into valuable resources.

What solutions do we offer for pyrolysis?

Carbolite Gero offers two different selection of furnaces that suit pyrolysis. Both modified atmosphere and tube furnaces support an inert, reactive, or vacuum atmosphere. Modified atmosphere furnaces feature a robust design which is suited best for extreme industrial processes. Tube furnaces, in comparison, are ideal for running lab-based processes. A variety of tube material, length and diameter can be offered with your package to meet your application needs.