
Graphitization Furnaces Heat treatment to transform an amorphous carbon structure into crystalline graphite

Graphitization is a process that transforms carbonaceous materials into a crystalline form of carbon. This is a temperature intensive process where sample materials are subjected to a heat treatment of over 2500 °C. The organised graphite structure is a particular interest in metallurgy as this improves the mechanical properties and machinability of the carbon alloys. Carbolite Gero is an expert at heat treatments of carbon-based materials, offering high temperature graphite furnaces that go up to 3000 °C.

Graphite Furnace

Carbolite Gero’s graphite furnaces accommodate temperatures up to 2200 °C and even 3000 °C. This graphite technology suits laboratory and industrial applications that operate under vacuum atmosphere, inert gasses and reactive gasses. These furnaces are designed around creating a carbon system. They offer graphite-based insulation material, heating element and retort material. This system can achieve extremely high temperatures, enabling researchers to endeavour new heat treatment opportunities.

Safety options for graphitization furnaces

The process produces volatiles that can prove to be harmful. Precautions should be taken to reduce any risks. Carbolite Gero considers options to optimise the production process.



Is used to oxidize volatiles from the removal process into NOx, CO2, and H2O. This ensures all volatiles are transformed into safer molecules and released into the environment.

Burns all volatiles, including those with a boiling point below 20°C, such as hydrogen, ammonia, and ethane.

We are experts and have multiple solutions in our portfolio to guide you to the right product and safety equipment. Please contact us for any enquires on a suitable solution for your application needs.

Graphitization Furnaces Háttérinformáció

Graphitization process takes place under high temperatures and under an inert atmosphere. Carbon atoms within the structure rearrange themselves to form a hexagonal lattice. After carbonisation, carbon layers are misaligned. Increasing the temperature causing graphitization to occur. The amorphous carbon structure transforms in a crystalline lattice. The atomic structure is categorised by layers of carbon atoms that are arranged in a honeycomb pattern. The organised carbon structure, where carbon atoms are arranged in hexagonal sheets stacked on top of each other is known as graphite. While each layer within graphite is known as graphene.

During graphitization, carbon layers orient themselves in an ordered manner. High degree of graphitization is obtained at higher heat treatment temperatures. Several factors such as precursor material, heat treatment temperature, pressure and dwell time all influence the final microstructure and properties of the sample material.

The difference between pyrolysis, carbonization and graphitization

Carbonization, graphitization, and pyrolysis are all processes that involve the thermal decomposition of materials, but they differ in their objectives and conditions.

Graphitization Furnaces Brossúra

Graphitization Furnaces Alkalmazás

The transformation in the structure of carbon to graphite enhances the material’s properties, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Its layered structure allows the free movement of delocalised electrons and enhances electrical conductivity. Similarly, the more ordered atomic structure facilitates the free movement of phonons and enables efficient transmission of vibrational energy. This leads to significantly increasing the thermal conductivity of the material.

Due to a high degree of anisotropy within graphite, the material is much stronger and stiffer in the plane of graphene sheets. However, the bonds between the sheets are relatively weaker, resulting in a more flexible structure. This characteristic makes the material suitable for dry running applications, allowing it to function as a lubricant.

Graphitization is used by various industries such as metallurgy, energy storage, electronics and aerospace.

 Graphite structure
Graphite structure

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Graphitization Furnaces - FAQ

What is graphitization?

Graphitization process is used to transform a carbon-rich material into graphite due to the application of heat. The initial carbon structure alters during heating causing carbon atoms to rearrange themselves into a crystalline lattice. This process generally occurs at high temperatures up to 3000 °C.

Why is graphitization important?

The process plays a significant role in the enhancing the material properties of carbonaceous materials. This results in an improved lubricity, oxidation resistance and thermal conductivity of components. Improved performance due to graphitization leads to the production of high-quality materials such as carbon graphite composites, graphite electrodes and is used for applications such as refining mechanical properties and machinability of iron alloys.

What is the difference between hard carbon and graphite?

Although hard carbon and graphite are composed primarily of carbon atoms, they both exhibit different structures due to the arrangement of atoms. The crystal arrangement imparts the characteristics and material properties of a material even if they are made of the same element. In graphite, each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms, forming a flat sheet that is stacked on top of one another. The bonding along the length of the sheet is stronger than between each layer, hence, giving graphite its unique properties. Hard carbon, in contrast, is known as non-graphitizing carbon which unlike graphite has a more disordered and irregular structure where the layers are not as neatly stacked. This arrangement of atoms within hard carbon creates more intercalation sites or voids for positive charged ions and allows the material to store more energy. Hard carbon is useful for applications such as in batteries.

What solutions do we offer for graphitization?

Carbolite Gero offers solutions to graphitization technology for heat treatments that go up to 3000 °C. The furnaces offer graphite-based insulation material, heating element and retort material. Their robust design creates a system that can reach extremely high temperatures.